Outreach basketball clinic: Bugas, 2 June 2019

#EskapoVerde is keen to build bridges with and within our local community. As another strand to our outreach ideas, one of our Directors, Albert Mariter Alocillo who is a well-known regional basketball coach, ran a short basketball clinic together with two of his players from the US – Stephon Patrick (New York) and Anthony Winningham (Kansas City), thank you guys for your assistance and support. This was a rehersal for a more ambitious effort planned for the end of June involving 60 boys and girls: basketball, volleyball, swimming, sea kayaking, mangrove exploration and environmental education. The tourism operators in Barangay Bugas and the SK are all assisting by providing facilities with the aim of improving the quality of life of our younger brethren.

After the clinic, the participants all helped to clean up the area of the community stage. We collected four sacks of plastic rubbish and the whole area looks much tidier now.

Introduction to the training
Introduction to the training


Demonstration . . . .
Demonstration . . . .


Clinic attendees
Clinic attendees