Group: Food

Information about our menu and dishes

Are any meals included in my stay at Eskapo Verde?

Depending on your room type or booking agent, breakfast may be included. All other meals are paid separately. If you wish to run a bill during your stay and pay when you leave, just ask the restaurant staff.

If you want to order a meal package for yourself or your group, please send us details of your requirements through e-mail and we can quote you a custom package. Our menu is available on our web site and also on our Facebook page.

What sort of food do you have in your restaurant?

We specialise in Filipino dishes, many with a slight “Eskapo twist” :). We also have Asian dishes, vegetarian and vegan dishes and of course burgers and French fries for those that can’t live without! Our mashed potato is second to none . . . so simple to do right but so easy to get wrong! Of course we bake our own bread. All our dishes are made fresh when you order.

We use no MSG in our kitchen and reduce salt and sugar to encourage a healthier diet for all. Even our humba (special order only, sorry) is tweaked to reduce the delicious unhealthiness 🙂

Our desserts must be mentioned: our halo-halo is very popular and we have some excellent variations on local ideas. By special order we can make old favourites like biko, maja blanca and fresh siopao with different fillings.

You can find our full menu for download in the Downloads section of the web site and also on our Facebook page.